Shopify- How to add products to Sell

Here are basic steps to add product to Shopify store
  1. To add products to Shopify , from Shopify admin panel select Products

  2. Click Add a product, or click the name of an existing product to edit it.
  3. Enter or update the product information.
  4. Click Save when you're happy with the product information you've entered.


Enter Product Information

While adding product you will have to enter product details. It includes product title, description, type, price, vendor, tags, price information, inventory, shipping and variant information. 

Title and description should be attractive and SEO friendly. 

Tags help users to search and brows products. 

There are two prices you can add. Price and Compare at Price . If you're putting an item on sale, enter its original price Compare at Price

In Shipping section you can add product weight, select if product needs shipping and select fulfilment service.  Digital products such as EBooks or Digital Posters will not need shipping. 

The Inventory section allows you to add a SKU, barcode and lets you select whether you want to Shopify to track inventory. 

Add Product Variants in Shopify 

You can add different colors, sizes etc as variants in Shopify. Click Add variants to continue

 You will see following form

You can add up to 3 options and add values separated by commas. Shopify will automatically create product variants based on those options. You can edit price, SKU and Barcode of individual items.


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