How to setup online store using shopify

Shopify is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms to create online store. Are you looking to setup an online store using Shopify?

You can setup your Shopify store and you can start selling in a week. There are many platforms available to use but Shopify is easiest, reliable and SEO friendly.  

Not familiar with Shopify? It is a great way to sell tour products, without worrying about managing a server, payment gateways, etc. as for a small monthly fee everything is included. 

Click here to create a free trial store and start exploring. 

After you have created a trial store you will have access to backend of the store. Here are things to do before you start selling
-Add general settings Click here for more details.
- Add products and Categories(called collections in Shopify) Click here for more details.
-Add about Us, contact us, Terms and Conditions and privacy policy etc Click here for more details
-Select a Theme and add menus
-Add shipping
-Add payment method(s)

That is it. Start your marketing and get your customers to your Shopify store.


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